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Sedation Information

Sedation Information

Sedation Dentistry

For patients who feel stressed or full of anxiety over dental procedures, there are support options that can help you feel calm and relaxed during your appointment. We believe everyone should be able to get access to the oral health attention they need, regardless of how much they may not enjoy the visits. Our dentists are trained in different modalities of sedation dentistry and you’ll have the attention and care of two experienced dentists during your procedure when you choose moderate or deep sedation options for optimal care. Whether your visit is a routine procedure or a complex case, our dentists are focused on your comfort and well-being.

sedation dentistry
woman giving thumbs up in dental chair

Sedation Information

What is Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry helps patients feel more at ease during visits to the dentist. We want everyone who visits our clinic to feel comfortable and relaxed, knowing their oral health is in good care. If you have any level of fear or uncertainty about dental surgery, we encourage you to talk to our team of professionals to find out what options are available and best suited for your unique needs. 

Sedation Information

Sedation Dentistry and Dental Implants

Dental implants are a routine operation that requires oral surgery. While we do use local anesthesia for this procedure to prevent you from feeling any pain, we also appreciate that oral surgery can still be uncomfortable for some people for various reasons. We can provide different levels of sedation to help you feel calm and relaxed during the entire procedure. You can read more below about each sedation option to decide which level might best suit your needs and budget. 

Dental Checkup

Sedation Information

Types of Sedation Dentistry

Minimal Sedation

Minimal sedation combines local anesthesia with an oral sedation pill or Laughing gas to help you feel more relaxed during the dental procedure. You’ll remain fully conscious and feel more at ease. This option is suited for patients who need a bit of extra comfort to take the edge off a dental visit. You can have confidence choosing minimal sedation to support you through dental procedures, because you’ll have a pain-free experience with minimal risk.

Minimal sedation uses either oral pills in advance of your appointment or laughing gas through a nose mask taken to help you feel calm and relaxed during your visit. Some patients feel so comfortable that they fall asleep during the procedure, but they can easily be awakened when needed. If you choose oral minimal sedation, you’ll receive a pill one hour in advance of your appointment in our office while supervised by professionals. You will need to have someone take you home as you will not be able to operate machinery for 24 hours after.

Moderate Sedation

Moderate sedation is a very popular option that offers a midway point between full consciousness of minimal sedation and unconsciousness of deep sedation. Most patients feel they are in a sleep-like state. You’ll feel comfortable and relaxed, but when the dentists give you a direction, such as “open” you’ll be able to respond. The benefit of moderate sedation is that you will be entirely at ease during the procedure without being unconscious. You’ll also be able to breathe independently, with protective reflexes intact, reducing the risk factors and the cost.

Our fully trained dentist anesthesiologist Dr. Zahedi will insert an IV catheter into a vein in your arm or hand to administer the medications to achieve moderate sedation. The IV allows the medicine to enter your bloodstream faster than a pill and enables the dentists to adjust the levels to suit your body size. Our dentist anesthesiologist is fully trained and accredited to administer IV sedation and always work in pairs, so you’ll have the full attention of two doctors for your procedure.

Deep Sedation

Deep sedation is often confused with general anesthesia; however, there are some critical differences. Choosing deep sedation allows you to sink into an unconscious state during the procedure and not be aware of your surroundings. You’ll still be able to breathe on your own sometimes with assistance. Once the procedure is over, you won’t remember it, nor will you feel any immediate pain thanks to local anesthesia. Our dentists may recommend deep sedation for patients with strong gag reflexes or high anxiety levels regarding dental visits.

Reaching deep sedation uses the same method as moderate sedation. Except with deep sedation, stronger hypnotic medications are administered through the IV. Our dentists work in pairs to ensure your comfort and well-being are prioritized throughout the procedure. You’ll be monitored closely throughout the appointment to ensure you receive adequate medication levels and are safe at all times.

General Anesthesia

People often confuse general anesthesia with the typical method of sedation dentistry. While it can be used for complex procedures, it is not the most common option. General anesthesia puts the patient completely unconscious so that they are completely unaware of the procedure nor experience any pain. Using general anesthesia requires the presence of a certified anesthesiologist and requires intubation which allows a GA machine to help you breathe while unconscious. The nature of general anesthesia makes the procedure riskier and more expensive. While we do not currently offer general anesthesia at our clinic but when rarely required, we will make the arrangements for you to have this done with our staff at another location.

Sedation Information

Which Sedation Option Is Right for Me?

We understand that everyone is different in how they feel about dental procedures. Our goal is to ensure all our patients feel comfortable during their visits to our clinic and have complete confidence during every procedure. Patients who feel anxious about dental treatments or have strong gag reflexes may benefit from the different sedation levels offered at our clinic. To help you compare and decide which option is most suitable for you, we’ve compiled a basic chart below to show the primary differences between sedation levels. If you have any questions or concerns, our team will happily discuss them with you. 

Sedation Type Do I Need Local Anesthesia? Will I Be Conscious? Will I Breathe on My Own?
Minimal Sedation Yes Yes Yes
Moderate Sedation Yes Reduced Yes
Deep Sedation Yes No Yes
General Anesthesia No No No-requires tube

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